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Autoclave vertical B4-KAV-2 and B4-KAV-4 - ТОПП
Autoclave vertical B4-KAV-2 and B4-KAV-4 - ТОПП
24.01.2020р. | #9033
Пропозиція чинна
Україна, Херсонська обл.
Актуальна до: 24.02.2020р.
Розміщена 17.01.2019
Поновлена 24.01.2020
Переглядів Всього: 1350 | За 30 днів: 423
Відповідей: 0

Autoclave vertical B4-KAV-2 and B4-KAV-4

Vertical autoclaves B4-CAV2 / B4-CAV4 are designed to sterilize canned food corked in containers.
They may have an automatic device for adjusting the temperature of sterilization and cooling of canned food in accordance with the specified modes. They are used in the canning industry.
Consist of:
- housing
- covers,
- baskets,
- software regulator PRP-2:
- fittings for connection in the steam line,
- water,
- air,
- condensate drain.
The body of the autoclave is welded and consists of cylindrical shells with a thickness of 6 mm and a bottom with a thickness of 8 mm. The casing is provided with nozzles with flanges for connecting steam, compressed air, water and condensate, as well as a nozzle for a pressure gauge, a thermometer, and sensors for the PRP-2 regulator. In the lower part of the body there is a steam bubbler and a drain pipe.
The flanges of the lid and body are clamped to one another by means of a belt clamp consisting of fifteen sector clamps fixed on a ring made of spring steel strip and a lever system for tightening and diluting the clamp.
On the cover there is a nozzle for the supply of water and a fitting for the installation of a safety valve and a drain valve. The cover has a device that facilitates its opening and closing.

Baskets filled with cans are placed one on top of the device, after which the lid closes. The vessel is filled with water, and steam flows through the bubbler. An air compressor in the system creates and maintains constant pressure. After the time required for sterilizing time, the steam and hot water are gradually forced out of the apparatus through special outlets supplied with stop valves with cold water. After cooling, baskets with cans are unloaded from the unit.
The machine meets the requirements of: GOST 26582-85 “Food machinery and equipment. General technical conditions. GOST 12.2.124-90 “Food equipment. General safety requirements.

Technical specifications

No. p / p.
Calculated data
1 Capacity autoclave 1800 l. / 3600l.
2 Working pressure 0,343 MPa
3 The number of loaded baskets 2 pcs. / 4pcs.
4 Overall dimensions, mm:
1900 height
Width 1300
Length 2750/4200
5 Weight 2000 kg.
For maintenance of the car is enough 1 person.

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  • Автоклав вертикальный Б4-КАВ-2 и Б4-КАВ-4
  • Автоклав вертикальний Б4-КАВ-2 і Б4-КАВ-4
  • Autoklaw pionowy B4-KAV-2 i B4-KAV-4
  • Autoclave vertical B4-KAV-2 and B4-KAV-4
Контактна особа: Алексей - Менеджер
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