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Filling line (packing, dosing) of liquid and thick food products -...
Filling line (packing, dosing) of liquid and thick food products -...
22.08.2019р. | #9048
Пропозиція чинна
Україна, Херсонська обл.
Актуальна до: 22.09.2019р.
Розміщена 25.01.2019
Поновлена 22.08.2019
Переглядів Всього: 904 | За 30 днів: 215
Відповідей: 0

Filling line (packing, dosing) of liquid and thick food products

Brand manufacturer Europrodmash   The line is intended for bottling (packing, dosing) food products in containers of up to 1.5 liters (plastic, glass or tin). Effectively doses products liquid and thick in consistency (viscosity up to 200’000 MPa × s) with or without inclusions, with temperatures up to 93 ° C.   For different tasks we have various line modifications. The complete equipment line includes equipment: - Circular accumulation table (for the accumulation and supply of containers); - ATM-washing machine BM-3 (for glass containers); - Dispenser-filler LPD; - A seamer (or a twist-off capping machine); - Hopper for feeding covers; - Labeling machine; - Inkjet printer (for applying the date); - A canning machine A9-BUM-3 (for cans weighing up to 1 kg); - Plate conveyors - Additional / auxiliary equipment (as per customer request)   Specifications: Brand ___ Europrodmash Tara: -type ___ plastic, glass or tin containers - tare volume ___ up to 1.5 l - cover ___ tin cover or Twist-Off cover Product: -viscosity ___ up to 200’000 mPa × s -inclusions ___ are allowed, up to 10x10x10 mm - temperature ___ to 93 ° C Performance ___ up to 100 units / min Dosing error for liquid products for a dose of 200-600 ml (viscosity 1 - 20`000 MPa × s) ___ up to 2.0%, Dosing error for liquid products for a dose of 500-1500 ml (viscosity 1 - 20`000 MPa × s) ___ up to 1.5%, Dosage error on thick products for a dose of 200-600 ml (viscosity 20'000 - 200'000 MPa × s) ___ up to 1.5% Dosage error on thick products for a dose of 500-1500 ml (viscosity 20`000 - 200`000 MPa × s) ___ up to 1.0% Replaceable set of cartridges for switching to another tare volume ___ +/- Replaceable sleeve set for transfer to a different dose volume ___ +/- To ensure a low dosage error, we recommend using replaceable sets of sleeves of the following volumes (ml): 80-350; 200-600; 400-1000; 500-1500.     Delivery on terms EXW (Ex Works) - Ukraine, Kherson, st. Filatov 40. Delivery to any country is possible.   Production "Europrodmash" is located in Kherson, Ukraine. For consultation and current prices contact us! If you are not in Ukraine, then to contact us by phone, install the application for free calls (Viber, WhatsApp or Telegram).  

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