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Technological lines of food production -
Technological lines of food production -
14.08.2019р. | #8945
Valid proposal

Ukraine, Kherson region
Актуальна до: 14.09.2019р.
Розміщена 24.09.2018
Поновлена 14.08.2019
Hits Всього: 1401 | За 30 днів: 197
Відповідей: 0

Technological lines of food production

Technological lines are used for the production of tomato paste, tomato paste-based sauces, mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based sauces, whole-grain mustard and mustard powder, condensed milk, confectionery fillings on fruit or milk basis, and many other products.
  Lines are designed and manufactured according to customer requirements. Our lines are made of high-quality stainless steel of European manufacture and with the use of imported components.
  Our capacitive equipment is used to prepare, mix, store, evaporate, pasteurize, homogenize, disperse and cool food.

  • Линии по производству томатной пасты
  • варочные комплексы
  • вакуумная емкость
  • вакуум
  • capacity
  • pojemność
  • zbiornik
  • boiler
  • kettle
  • pot
  • cauldron
  • caldron
  • copper
  • Line of mayonnaise production
  • Linia produkcji majonezu
  • Linia do produkcji musztardy
  • Mustard production line
  • Лінія виробництва гірчиці
  • Линия производства варенья, джема
  • Лінія виробництва варення, джему
  • Linia produkcyjna dżemu, dżemu
  • Production line of jam, jam
Contact person: - Manager
Languages, which person is able to communicate in:
Phones: +380985256739
Mobile: +380660849785
E-mail: Hidden (send message from the site)
If you contact with the company, please mention that you have found contacts at

Компанії, що пропонують подібну продукцію
  Tallar-ukra'na Ukraine, Zaporizzja region

For using our materials link towww.dharchovyk.com (for internet sources with hyperlink) is obligatory.