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Filling and dosing machine for fish cans - ТОПП
Filling and dosing machine for fish cans - ТОПП
16.06.2019р. | #8964
Предложение действующее
Украина, Херсонская обл.
Актуальная до: 16.07.2019р.
Размещенная 03.10.2018
Обновленная 16.06.2019
Просмотров Всего: 1585 | За 30 дней: 140
Ответов: 0

Filling and dosing machine for fish cans

The machine is designed for filling and dosing in cans or inventory forms of fish of salmon and cod breeds, herring, mackerel, sardinella, tuna, sprat, sprat, notoenii, previously divided into carcass, fillet, longitudinal strips, and squid.
The possibility of stacking several types of fish in one can is one of the advantages of the machine. During packing and dosing, no additional portioning of fish is required, which ensures a reduction in the technological cycle of production of canned food and preserved food and avoids the loss of raw materials.
The machine can be used both in canning lines of coastal enterprises, and on vessels of fishing fleet - in any embodiment, you are guaranteed high performance, dosing accuracy, high quality styling. Setting up the machine for packing the type of fish in a different jar by using interchangeable kits. The machine is simple in design, easy to maintain, reliable in operation.

No. Indicator Value
1 Productivity, b / min 65
2 Filled banks, № 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
3 Water consumption, l / min 5
4 Installed power, kW 3.35
5 Attendants, people 2
6 Dimensions, mm
1500 length
width 1660
height 1610
7 Weight, kg 1800

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