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Filler dispenser - ТОПП
Filler dispenser - ТОПП
22.08.2019р. | #8944
Пропозиція чинна
Україна, Херсонська обл.
Актуальна до: 22.09.2019р.
Розміщена 24.09.2018
Поновлена 22.08.2019
Переглядів Всього: 1934 | За 30 днів: 294
Відповідей: 0

Filler dispenser

Linear piston filler
The linear filling filler is specially designed for efficient work with a large number of different container formats and different types of products. They are used for pouring liquid products with a viscosity of 1-8 Ns / m2. The machine is capable of pouring liquid products like juice, water and viscous ones like tomato paste, condensed milk.
The product is filled by dosing nozzles, into which the product is fed by the method of volumetric dosing. Piston metering provides a minimum error in dosing, allows you to work with high viscosity products, allows a wide range of volume adjustments and quick readjustment.
The driving element is the hydrostation, which in turn allows to ensure the smooth operation of the piston system, the accuracy of dosing neglecting the viscosity of the product, but not more than 10 Ns / m2.
The machine complies with ISO, CE, HAASP standards. It is able to ensure smoothness and continuity of operation. It does not require highly skilled personnel, it is easy to clean and service.
Has a wide range of adjustments: quick changeover to the desired size of the can, dose adjustment during operation, adjustment of the machine's performance, adjustment of each filling head separately.

Main characteristics:

Indicator Meaning
The volume of the dose is 100 - 700 ml
Productivity (bank up to 0,5 l) up to 100 b / min
Dosing error for liquid 3%
Dilution error for a thick 1.5%
Doser nozzles 6 pcs.
3.6KW power
Air consumption up to 120 Nl / min
Length of the conveyor from 2.5 m (length as agreed)
The possibility of rapid dose adjustment +
Rapid reconfiguration of equipment for different can sizes by diameter and height +

Optional Options
(not included in the standard package, installed for an additional fee):

Indicator Meaning
Replacement kit for another packaging +/-
Filling the product with lifting the dosing head +/-
Control from the panel of automatic / semi-automatic pumping of the product into the tank +/-

Посилання, що описує детальніше цю продукцію: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXACRsILVg4
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